

Contains information about the date and time of execution of various occasions with the object. All elements of this block have a date-time type with a time zone indication.

  • Created - date and time the object was created. For booking, if possible, it is taken from the GDS.
  • Start - date and time when the services were started in the object.
  • LastUpdate - date and time of the last update.
  • LastAccess - date and time of the last access to the object.
  • Canceled - date and time of cancellation of booking services.
  • Ticketed - date and time of the ticketing.
  • Voided - date and time of voiding.
  • Refunded - ticket refund date and time.
  • Exchanged - date and time of ticket exchange.
  • Paid - date and time of payment for the order.
  • Splited - date and time of the division of the booking.
  • SeatsReleased - date and time of seats release for the issued booking.