

Order status update. This request can update order information from the back-office or update the status of payment transactions.

Request parameters

  • OrderID - order number from the back office of To get the parameter value for an order, it is required to run a GetOrder request with specifying the FlightsBookingID parameter (Booking ID from Nemo Connect).
  • ActualizePayment - allows to send a request to the payment system to update the status of the payment transaction. Possible values: true/false.
  • ActualizeFlightsBooking - initiates an UpdateBook request to Nemo Connect. Possible values: true/false.
  • CallbackUrl - address to which callback from with information on order (PNR) status after its change will be returned (booked/ticketed/cancelled). Example: http(s)://domain.
  • PaymentBackRedirectUrl - URL address for the following redirect after a successful payment. http(s)://domain/query?parameters.
  • PaymentBackRedirectUrlFailure - URL address for the following redirect after a failed payment (optional parameter).
  • NemoOneAuthToken - API key issued by staff (out-of-date parameter, recommended to use AuthToken).
  • AuthToken - API key issued by staff.
  • UserID - user ID in the system issued by staff.

Response parameters

Identical to the parameters from GetOrder.

Sample request

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ver="***">

Sample response

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="***" xmlns:xsi="***">
                                 <Price Currency="RUB">400</Price>
                                 <Name>Service 1</Name>
                                 <ShortDescription>Short description of service 1</ShortDescription>
                                 <FullDescription>Full description of service 1</FullDescription>
                                 <Price Currency="RUB">0</Price>
                                 <Name>Service 2</Name>
                                 <ShortDescription>Short description of service 2</ShortDescription>
                                 <FullDescription>Full description of service 2</FullDescription>
                           <Price Currency="RUB">0</Price>
                           <Name>Service package 1</Name>
                           <ShortDescription>Short description of service package 1</ShortDescription>
                           <FullDescription>Full description of service package 1</FullDescription>
                                 <Price Currency="RUB">0</Price>
                                 <Name>Service 1</Name>
                                 <ShortDescription>Short description of service 1</ShortDescription>
                                 <FullDescription>Full description of service 1</FullDescription>
                                 <Price Currency="RUB">0</Price>
                                 <Name>Service 2</Name>
                                 <ShortDescription>Short description of service 2</ShortDescription>
                                 <FullDescription>Full description of service 2</FullDescription>
                           <Price Currency="RUB">1000</Price>
                           <Name>Service package 2</Name>
                           <ShortDescription>Short description of service package 2</ShortDescription>
                           <FullDescription>Full description of service package 2</FullDescription>
            <PriceBreakdown Type="Order">
               <Price Currency="RUB">4780</Price>
                  <Part Type="Service">
                     <Price Currency="RUB">4647</Price>
                        <Part Type="Flight">
                           <Price Currency="RUB">4647</Price>
                        <Part Type="Upsale">
                           <Price Currency="RUB">0</Price>
                  <Part Type="Charge">
                     <Price Currency="RUB">133</Price>
                        <Part Type="AgencyCharge">
                           <Price Currency="RUB">133</Price>
                        <Part Type="PaymentCharge">
                           <Price Currency="RUB">0</Price>
                  <GatewayName>Card payment</GatewayName>
                  <MoneyPaid Currency="RUB">0</MoneyPaid>
                  <GatewayName>Card payment 2</GatewayName>
                  <MoneyPaid Currency="RUB">0</MoneyPaid>