

Getting the history of booking modifications from GDS.


Format Description
  • BookID - ID of the booking the history of which you want to receive. Data type - 64-bit integer.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:ns2="">


Format Description
  • BookID - ID of the booking you want to cancel. Data type - 64-bit integer.
  • PNRCode - booking code in the GDS. Data type - string.
  • HistoryElements - container for elements in booking history. Data type - array.
  • HistoryElements.HistoryElement - booking history element. Data type - array. Occurs 1 or more times.
  • HistoryElements.HistoryElement.DateTime - date and time of the booking in the yyyy-mm-ddthh:mm:ss format. Data type - string.
  • HistoryElements.HistoryElement.ChangeSource - source of the change. Data type - string.
  • HistoryElements.HistoryElement.HistoryRemarks - container for modification remarks. Data type - array.
  • HistoryElements.HistoryElement.HistoryRemarks.HistoryRemark - modification remark. Data type - string. Occurs 1 or more times.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
    <GetBookHistoryResponse xmlns="">
      <GetBookHistoryResult xmlns:a="" xmlns:i="">
                <HistoryRemark>(7) ТКП01ОНГ999 ОНГВЕБ (X) 92300585 04АВГ17 10:39:57 ЗАКОНЧЕНО  (ТЛ=1235/09АВГ17)</HistoryRemark>
                <HistoryRemark> ХИ IVAN/ANNA 01ЯНВ80(Ж) 04АВГ17 10:39:57</HistoryRemark>
                <HistoryRemark> ХИ IVANIN/ARTEM SERGEEVICH 06ИЮН10(М) 04АВГ17 10:39:57</HistoryRemark>
                <HistoryRemark> ИУ UT-461 Y 03ОКТ17 ВНКРЩН НК3/1 1130 1600 LSN 04АВГ17 10:39:56</HistoryRemark>
                <HistoryRemark> ИУ UT-462 Y 10ОКТ17 РЩНВНК НК3/1 1820 1910 LSN 04АВГ17 10:39:56</HistoryRemark>
                <HistoryRemark> Д  1Н9СС1->1Н9ССЛ 04АВГ17 10:39:56</HistoryRemark>
                <HistoryRemark>(6) ТКП01ОНГ999 ОНГВЕБ (X) 92300585 04АВГ17 10:38:16 ЗАКОНЧЕНО  (ТЛ=1235/09АВГ17)</HistoryRemark>
                <HistoryRemark> Т  ИСХОДЯЩАЯ ТЕЛЕГРАММА НОМЕР 45389418 04АВГ17 10:38:16</HistoryRemark>
                <HistoryRemark> ИП IVAN/ANNA/ПС /РФ/2152547000*1ААТ 04АВГ17 10:38:16</HistoryRemark>
                <HistoryRemark>(5) ТКП01ОНГ999 ОНГВЕБ (X) 92300585 04АВГ17 10:34:17 ЗАКОНЧЕНО  (ТЛ=1235/09АВГ17)</HistoryRemark>
                <HistoryRemark> Т  ИСХОДЯЩАЯ ТЕЛЕГРАММА НОМЕР 45389391 04АВГ17 10:34:17</HistoryRemark>
                <HistoryRemark> ИП IVANINA/ALLA SERGEEVNA/ПСП/РФ/837856325*0РМГ 04АВГ17 10:34:17</HistoryRemark>
                <HistoryRemark> ИП IVANIN/ARTEM SERGEEVICH/ПСП/РФ/785124025*1АББ 04АВГ17 10:34:17</HistoryRemark>
                <HistoryRemark> ИП IVAN/ANNA/ПС /РФ/2152547896*1ААТ 04АВГ17 10:34:17</HistoryRemark>