

Flight representation format 1.1.

  • Flight - root element, inside of which the flight data is stored. Data type - array.
  • Flight.ID - Flight ID. Data type - string.
  • Flight.SourceID - ID of the requisite package from which this flight was received. Data type - 32-bit integer .
  • Flight.TypeInfo - typification of the flight by various criteria. Data type - array.
  • Flight.TypeInfo.Type - flight type. Data type - enumeration, possible values:
    • Regular - regular flight;
    • Charter - charter;
    • LowCost - low cost (LCC).
  • Flight.TypeInfo.DirectionType - flight route type. Data type - enumeration, possible values:
    • OW - one way flight - simple flight consisting of one leg;
    • RT - roundtrip flight - 2-leg flight in which the departure point of the first leg coincides with the arrival point of the second leg AND the arrival point of the first leg coincides with the departure point of the second leg;
    • CT - complex route - a random set of legs;
    • SingleOJ - single Open Jaw - 2-leg flight in which the departure point of the first leg coincides with the arrival point of the second leg OR the arrival point of the first leg coincides with the departure point of the second leg;
    • DoubleOJ - double Open Jaw - 2-leg flight in which the departure point of the first leg DOES NOT coincide with the arrival point of the second leg AND the point of arrival of the first leg DOES NOT coincide with the departure point of the second leg;
    • hRT - RT/2 - a simple OW flight was requested, but on the basis of the settings of a certain requisite package RT/2 search was launched;
    • mOW - multipleOW - OW + OW + - the requested flight from several segments was found as a set of separate search results.
  • Flight.ExpectedTicketCount - shows how many tickets are to be ticketed. Data type - 32-bit integer.
  • Flight.MandatoryLatinNames - attribute of the obligation to create a booking with the full name in Latin. Data type - bool.
  • Flight.Segments - container for flight segments. Data type - array.
  • Flight.Segments.Segment - information about the flight segment. Data type - array.
  • Segment.ID - serial number of this segment in the flight. Data type - 32-bit integer.
  • Segment.RequestedSegment - segment number from the search query. Data type - 32-bit integer.
  • Segment.DepAirp - information about the departure airport for this segment. Data type - array.
  • Segment.DepAirp.AirportCode - airport code. Data type - string.
  • Segment.DepAirp.CityCode - city code (airport aggregator). Data type - string.
  • Segment.DepAirp.UTC - airport time zone. Data type - string.
  • Segment.DepAirp.Terminal - terminal code. Data type - string.
  • Segment.ArrAirp - information about the arrival airport for this segment. Data type - array. The format is the same as the departure airport
  • Segment.ETicket - attribute of the possibility of ticketing an electronic ticket on this segment. Data type - bool.
  • Segment.StopPoints - list of stop points on this segment of the flight. Data type - array.
  • Segment.StopPoints.StopPoint - information about one of the stop points on this segment of the flight. Data type - array.
  • Segment.StopPoints.StopPoint.AirportCode - stop point airport code. Data type - string.
  • Segment.StopPoints.StopPoint.CityCode - stop point city code. Data type - string.
  • Segment.StopPoints.StopPoint.UTC - time zone of the stop point. Data type - string.
  • Segment.StopPoints.StopPoint.Terminal - terminal at the airport. Data type - string.
  • Segment.StopPoints.StopPoint.ArrDateTime - date and time of the arrival at the stop point in the yyyy-mm-ddthh:mm:ss format. Data type - string.
  • Segment.StopPoints.StopPoint.DepDateTime - date and time of the departure from the stop point in the yyyy-mm-ddthh:mm:ss format. Data type - string.
  • Segment.FlightNumber - flight number for this segment of flight. Data type - string.
  • Segment.FlightTime - flight time in minutes. Data type - 32-bit integer.
  • Segment.OpAirline - code of the airline directly performing this flight. Data type - string.
  • Segment.MarkAirline - code of the airline providing this flight. Data type - string.
  • Segment.AircraftType - aircraft type code. Data type - string.
  • Segment.DepDateTime - departure date and time in the yyyy-mm-ddthh:mm:ss format. Data type - string.
  • Segment.ArrDateTime - arrival date and time in the yyyy-mm-ddthh:mm:ss format. Data type - string.
  • Segment.BookingClass - information about the flight class for this flight segment. Data type - array.
  • Segment.BookingClass.BaseClass - base class of the flight. Data type - enumeration. Possible values are:
    • Economy - economy class;
    • PremiumEconomy - premium economy;
    • Business - business class;
    • First - first class;
    • Other - all other classes that do not belong to any of the above.
  • Segment.BookingClass.BookingClassCode - flight class code. Data type - string.
  • Segment.BookingClass.FreeSeatCount - number of available seats for this flight class. Data type - 32-bit integer.
  • Segment.BookingClass.MealType - available type of meal for this flight class. Data type - string.
  • Segment.CouponStatus — status of the coupon. Returned when the GetEDData request is executed. Data type - enumeration, possible values:
    • Open — open for use;
    • Used — used;
    • Void — cancelled;
    • CheckIn — registration complete;
    • Printed — printed;
    • Refunded — refunded;
    • Exchanged — exchanged or reissued;
    • Registered — registered, not yet confirmed;
    • Landed — landed;
    • Stoped — stopped;
    • PaperDocument — paper ticket;
    • Unavailable — unavailable for use;
    • ExchangedToPaper — replaced for paper document;
    • Closed — closed;
    • AirportControl — control.
  • Flight.PriceInfo - information about the prices for this flight. Data type - array.
  • Flight.PriceInfo.Price - information about the specific price for a given flight. Data type - array.
  • Flight.PriceInfo.Price.ID - sequence number of the price within the flight. Data type - 32-bit integer.
  • Flight.PriceInfo.Price.ValidatingCompany - code of the validating carrier providing this price. Data type - string.
  • Flight.PriceInfo.Price.Refundable - type of ticket refundability for the flight with a given price. Data type - enumeration, possible values:
    • Unknown - unknown;
    • Refundable - refundable;
    • NonRefundable - non-refundable;
    • PenaltiesApplies - refundable with penalties.
  • Flight.PriceInfo.Price.PrivateFareInd - attribute of private fares presence in this price. Data type - bool.
  • Flight.PriceInfo.Price.TicketTimeLimit - time-limit for this price (the price is valid till) in the format yyyy-mm-ddthh:mm:ss. Data type - string.
  • Flight.PriceInfo.Price.PassengerFares - an array of price components for passenger types. Data type - array.
  • Flight.PriceInfo.Price.PassengerFares.PassengerFare - The price component for a particular type of passenger. Data type - array.
  • PassengerFare.SegmentRef - references to the segments to which this passenger-price applies. If it is absent, the price is applied to all segments. Data type - array.
  • PassengerFare.SegmentRef.Ref - reference to the segment to which the given passenger-price applies. Data type - 32-bit integer.
  • PassengerFare.Type - type of the passenger for which this component is applied. Data type - enumeration, possible values:
    • ADT - adult - passenger over 12 years of age;
    • UNN - child - passenger older than 2 years and under 12 years of age without accompanying adults;
    • CNN - child - passenger older than 2 years and under 12 years of age;
    • INF - baby - passenger under 2 years of age who does not occupy seats in the airplane;
    • MIL - military;
    • SEA - seaman;
    • SRC - elderly passenger (pensioner);
    • STU - student;
    • YTH - youth.
  • PassengerFare.Quantity - the number of passengers of this type. Data type - 32-bit integer.
  • PassengerFare.PricedAs - price type of the passenger for whom the price was received for this type of passenger from GDS. Data type - string.
  • PassengerFare.BaseFare - basic price (pure fares without taxes) for 1 passenger of this type. Data type - Money.
  • PassengerFare.BaseFare.Currency - code of the base price currency. Data type - string.
  • PassengerFare.BaseFare.Amount - amount of the base price. Data type - fractional number.
  • PassengerFare.EquiveFare - base price in equivalent currency for 1 passenger of this type. Data type - Money.
  • PassengerFare.MilesFare — flight price in miles. Data type - integer.
  • PassengerFare.TotalFare - full price (fares + taxes) for 1 passenger of this type in an equivalent currency. Data type - Money.
  • PassengerFare.Taxes - container for the taxes of this price component. Data type - array.
  • PassengerFare.Taxes.Tax - information about a specific tax. Data type - array.
  • PassengerFare.Taxes.Tax.Currency - tax currency code. Data type - string.
  • PassengerFare.Taxes.Tax.Amount - tax amount. Data type - fractional number.
  • PassengerFare.Taxes.Tax.TaxCode - tax code. Data type - string.
  • PassengerFare.Taxes.Tax.AgencyAmount - tax amount in agency currency. Data type - fractional number.
  • PassengerFare.Tariffs - container for fares of this price component. Data type - array.
  • PassengerFare.Tariffs.Tariff - information about one of the fares of this price component. Data type - array.
  • PassengerFare.Tariffs.Tariff.Code - fare code. Data type - string.
  • PassengerFare.Tariffs.Tariff.Type - fare type. Data type - enumeration, possible values:
    • Public - public (non-private) fare;
    • Coded - fare received through the corporate ID, account code, tour code etc;
    • Cat35 - category 35, contractual fares;
    • NonCat35 - fares that are not suitable for issue in category 35;
    • Private - all other private fares.
  • Flight.PriceInfo.Price.PassengerFares.PassengerFare.Tariffs.Tariff.SegNum - number of the segment to which this fare is applied. Data type - 32-bit integer.
  • Flight.PriceInfo.Price.PassengerFares.PassengerFare.Tariffs.Tariff.FreeBaggage - contains information about free baggage for this fare. Data type - array.
  • Flight.PriceInfo.Price.PassengerFares.PassengerFare.Tariffs.Tariff.FreeBaggage.Measure - baggage measure unit. Data type - enumeration, possible values:
    • Kilograms - kilos;
    • Pounds - pounds;
    • Pieces - bags;
    • SpecialCharge - special charge;
    • Size - baggage size;
    • Weight - baggage weight.
  • PassengerFare.Tariffs.Tariff.FreeBaggage.Value - amount of free baggage for this fare. Data type - string.
  • PassengerFare.Tariffs.Tariff.FareFamilyDescID - ID of the fare families description. Data type - int.
  • PassengerFare.Tariffs.Tariff.FareFamilyCode - fare family airline code. Data type - string.
  • PassengerFare.Tariffs.Tariff.MandatorySeatSelection — attribute for mandatory seat selection before booking. Data type - boolean.
  • Flight.PriceInfo.Price.PassengerFares.PassengerFare.Tariffs.Tariff.CarryOn - contains information about carryon for this fare. Data type - array.
  • Flight.PriceInfo.Price.PassengerFares.PassengerFare.Tariffs.Tariff.CarryOn.Measure - carryon measure unit. Data type - enumeration, possible values:
    • Kilograms - kilos;
    • Pounds - pounds;
    • Pieces - bags;
    • SpecialCharge - special charge;
    • Size - baggage size;
    • Weight - baggage weight.
  • PassengerFare.Tariffs.Tariff.CarryOn.Value - amount of carryon for this fare. Data type - string.
  • PassengerFare.Tariffs.Tariff.FareFamilyFromSupplier - attribute saying that tariffs from the supplier will be used directly, bypassing information from the static. Data type - bool.
  • PassengerFare.Commission - information about the commission for this price component from GDS. Data type - array.
  • PassengerFare.Commission.Amount - absolute value of the commission. Data type - fractional number.
  • PassengerFare.Commission.Percent - commission value in percents. Data type - fractional number.
  • PassengerFare.Commission.Currency - currency code of the commission. Data type - string.
  • PassengerFare.FareCalc - price calculation string. Data type - string.
  • PassengerFare.ExchangePriceInfo - total payment for the exchange (this element will appear only after getting the exchange variants). Data type - custom.
  • PassengerFare.ExchangePriceInfo.AirlinePenalty - airline exchange penalty. Data type - custom.
  • PassengerFare.ExchangePriceInfo.AirlinePenalty.Currency - penalty currency code. Data type - string.
  • PassengerFare.ExchangePriceInfo.AirlinePenalty.Amount - penalty amount. Data type - fractional number.
  • PassengerFare.ExchangePriceInfo.FlightPriceDifference - difference in cost with the flight in the booking. If the found flight costs less, the difference will be with the «-» sign. Data type - Money.
  • PassengerFare.Markup - amount charge for this price. Data type - Money.
  • PassengerFare.AgencyFare - fare price in the agency currency. Data type - fractional number.
  • PassengerFare.ChargeBreakdown - contains a breakdown of the charge components from pricing on a passenger, as well as the amount of rounding when converting to the currency of the agency.
  • PassengerFare.ChargeBreakdown.Charge - information about a particular charge, rounding amount. Data type - array.
  • PassengerFare.ChargeBreakdown.Charge.Amount - absolute value of the charge and rounding. Data type - fractional number.
  • PassengerFare.ChargeBreakdown.Charge.RuleID - Rule ID. Data type - int.
  • PassengerFare.ChargeBreakdown.Charge.Type - charge type. Data type - enumeration, possible values:
    • PriceRule - charge from the pricing table;
    • TaxRound - rounding amount received by converting tax value to agency currency;
    • FareRound - rounding amount received by converting fare value to agency currency;
    • MarkupRound - rounding value of the markup;
  • PassengerFare.TotalAgencyFare - fare and taxes amount in the agency currency. Data type - Money.
  • Flight.Price.AgencyMarkup - agency charge for the whole fight. Data type - Money.
  • PassengerFare.ExchangePriceInfo - total payment for exchange (the item will only appear after receiving exchange options). Data type - array.
  • PassengerFare.ExchangePriceInfo.AirlinePenalty - airline penalty for the exchange. Data type - array.
  • PassengerFare.ExchangePriceInfo.AirlinePenalty.Currency - penalty currency code. Data type - string.
  • PassengerFare.ExchangePriceInfo.AirlinePenalty.Amount - penalty amount. Data type - fractional number.
  • Flight.PriceInfo.Price.TimeLimit — time-limit for this price in the UTC +0 zone (the price is valid till) in the format ISO 8601: yyyy-mm-ddthh:mm:ssZ. Data type - ZonedDateTime.
  • Flight.FareFamiliesDescription - contains descriptions of the fare families in the flight. Data type - Description.
  • Flight.CanHaveSubsidizedTariffs - attribute of the possibility to apply subsidies to this fare. Data type - bool.
  • Flight.BookingURL - URL to which the user will be redirected for the following flight registration. Data type - string.
  • Flight.BusinessRules - information about the business rules for this flight. Data type - array.
  • Flight.BusinessRules.Rule - information about the business rule that worked for this flight. Data type - array.
  • Flight.BusinessRules.Rule.Id - ID of the business rule that worked for this flight. Data type - string.
  • Flight.BusinessRules.Rule.AdditionalParameters - additional information about the parameters of the business rule that worked for this flight. Data type - array.