

Getting additional information on the refund before tickets handover.


  • BookID - Reservation ID. Data type - 32-bit integer.
  • BlankIDs - Blank IDs. Data type - array of string elements.
  • BlankIDs.BlankID - Blank ID. Data type - string.
  • CheckNumber - Document number of one of the passengers to check. Required for UFS. Data type - string.
Sample Request (XML)
                   <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->


  • TicketsRefundInfo - Return information for the tickets. Data type - array of TicketRefundInfo elements.
  • TicketsRefundInfo.TicketRefundInfo - Information on the return ticket. Data type - custom.
  • TicketsRefundInfo.TicketRefundInfo.BlankID - Blank ID. Data type - string.
  • TicketsRefundInfo.TicketRefundInfo.SumToRefund - Amount to be returned. Data type - custom. Properties correspond to the Money element from common elements.
  • TotalSumToRefund - Total amount to be returned. Data type - custom. Properties correspond to the Money element from common elements.
Sample Response (XML)