Contains a list of possible actions with a booking or an order, which is centrally defined for each object. Through it, the possibility of perfoming an operation in a .net server is determined. It is an array of Action elements.
Action - valid action with an object. Data type - enumeration, possible values:
- Get
- Update
- PayFor
- Cancel
- Ticket
- Void
- Refund
- Split (similar to GDS split, in which a single booking is divided into two with different passengers)
- Modify
- ProcessPayment
- GetHistory
- Exchange
- CompleteExchange
- ReleaseSeat
- IssueEMD
- VoidEMD
- RefundEMD
- GetPNRTerminalView
- GetEDData
- AdditionalOperations
- Restore
- CompleteTwoStageExchange
- CancelTwoStageExchange