

After sending the request the results are given separately through the GetCitySearchResult request.


  • CheckInDate - date of the arrival to the room. Data type - string, the format is yyyy-mm-ddthh:mm:ss.
  • CheckOutDate - date of the departure from the room. Data type - string, the format is yyyy-mm-ddthh:mm:ss.
  • CityId - ID of the city for which the search will be executed. Data type - nonnegative 32-bit integer.
  • IsAirport - whether the hotel is in the airport (for the supplier Travelport). Data type - boolean.
  • HotelId - ID of the hotel for which the search will be executed. Data type - nonnegative 32-bit integer.
  • PackageId - ID of the package from which the data will be applied. Data type - string.
  • Rooms - container with information on the rooms required to be found. Data type - custom.
  • Rooms.Room - container with information on the number of guests. Data type - custom.
  • Rooms.Room.AdultsCount - number of adult guests. Data type - unsigned 32-bit integer.
  • Rooms.Room.ChidrenCount - number of children. Data type - unsigned 32-bit integer.
  • Rooms.Room.ChildrenAges - container with information on the children age. Data type - nonnegative 32-bit integer.
  • Rooms.Room.ChildrenAges.Age - children age in the request. Data type - nonnegative 32-bit integer.
  • Rooms.CurrencyCode - 3-letter currency code of the search results. Data type - string.
  • Rooms.ClientNationality - 2-letter nationality code of the client. Data type - string.
  • Rooms.DiscountID - ID of the discount. Data type - string.
  • GetHotelsOnRequest - attribute of requested hotels being included in the search results. Data type - boolean.
  • CityInnerId - city ID in the Nemo system. Data type - string.
  • MaxKmDistanceFromCityCenter - distance from the city centre in kilometers. Data type - double.
  • LoyaltyCard - container with the loyalty card data. Data type - custom.
  • LoyaltyCard.CompanyCode - company code. Data type - string.
  • LoyaltyCard.Number - loyalty card number. Data type - string.
Sample Request (XML)
  <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:tem="" xmlns:stl="" xmlns:hot="">


  • SearchId - ID of the executed search. Data type - 32-bit integer.
Sample Response (XML)
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
      <RunCitySearchResponse xmlns="">
         <RunCitySearchResult xmlns:a="" xmlns:i="">
            <a:ResponseBody xmlns:b="">