

Getting the information on the available payment methods. In response to this request will return the following parameters:

  • address for transferring card data to the payment system in the parameter UrlForCardDataSubmit;
  • request content, in which you should replace the placeholder with the card data and send it to the address that will also be in the reply in the CardDataRequestContent parameter;

Request parameters

  • OrderID - order number from the back office of To get the parameter value for an order, you should run a GetOrder request with the parameters FlightsBookingID (Booking ID from Nemo Connect).
  • CallbackUrl - address to which callback from with information on order (PNR) status after its change will be returned (booked/ticketed/cancelled). Example: http(s)://domain.
  • PaymentBackRedirectUrl - URL address for redirect after a successful payment. http(s)://domain/query?parameters.
  • PaymentBackRedirectUrlFailure - URL address for redirect after a failed payment (optional parameter).
  • NemoOneAuthToken - API key, issued by staff (out-of-date parameter, recommended to use AuthToken).
  • AuthToken - API key issued by staff.
  • UserID - User ID in the system issued by staff.

Response parameters

  • Gateway.PaymentMethodId - payment gateway ID.
  • Gateway.PaymentCharge - amount of the payment system fee (also contains the Currency parameter - the currency in which the cost of the service is indicated).
  • Gateway.RedirectUrl - address for redirection to the payment system page.
  • Gateway.UrlToCatch - address to which notifications about order changes will be sent.
  • Gateway.UrlForCardDataSubmit - address to which you need to send bank card requisites. The request format is specified in the CardDataRequestContent parameter (for host2host integration).
  • CardDataRequestContent - content of the request, in which it is necessary to replace the placeholder with the bank card data (for host2host integration).
  • CardDataRequestContent.proxy-placeholder-cardNumber - bankcard number. Format: numbers, without gaps.
  • CardDataRequestContent.proxy-placeholder-validThruYear - expiration year of the card. Format: YYYY.
  • CardDataRequestContent.proxy-placeholder-validThruMonth - expiration month of the card. Format: MM.
  • CardDataRequestContent.proxy-placeholder-securityCode - code CVC2/CVV2/4DBC. Not used only if the bank card does not have this code. Example: 123.
  • CardDataRequestContent.proxy-placeholder-holderName - name and surname of the bank card holder (in Latin). Example: Ivan Ivanov.
  • CardDataRequestContent.proxy-placeholder-customerIp - IP address from which the user entered bank card data. Format: IP v4 address.
  • CardDataRequestContent.proxy-placeholder-customerAgent - name of the client browser (User-Agent HTTP header). Example: Mozilla.
  • RequestType - request type. The available values are: POST/GET.

Sample request

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ver="***">

Sample response

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="***" xmlns:xsi="***">
                  <GatewayName>Card payment</GatewayName>
                  <PaymentCharge Currency="RUB">0</PaymentCharge>
                  <UrlToCatch xsi:nil="true"/>
                  <PaymentCharge Currency="RUB">0</PaymentCharge>
                  <UrlToCatch xsi:nil="true"/>
                  <UrlForCardDataSubmit xsi:nil="true"/>
                  <CardDataRequestContent xsi:nil="true"/>
                  <RequestType xsi:nil="true"/>