

Getting the airline schedule data.


Format description
  • SourceID — ID of the package for which a schedule search will be conducted. Data type - 32-bit integer.
  • AirlineCode — code of the airline for which a schedule search will be conducted. Data type - string.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:avia="" xmlns:stl="">


Format description
  • AirlineSchedule - container wtih information on the airline's routing grid. Data type - custom.
  • AirlineSchedule.Flights - container with flights. Data type - custom.
  • AirlineSchedule.Flights.Flight - container with flight information. Data type - custom.
  • AirlineSchedule.Flights.Flight.Company - code of the airline for which a schedule search will be conducted. Data type - string.
  • AirlineSchedule.Flights.Flight.FlightNumber - flight number. Data type - string.
  • AirlineSchedule.Flights.Flight.Periods - container with time periods during which the flight is conducted. Data type - custom.
  • Periods.Period - container with period information. Data type - custom.
  • Periods.Period.StartDate - period start date. Data type - string.
  • Periods.Period.EndDate - period end date. Data type - string.
  • Periods.Period.DaysOfWeek - array with information on days of the week. Data type - array.
  • Periods.Period.DaysOfWeek.Day - day of the week. Data type - string. Possible values:
    • Sunday
    • Monday
    • Tuesday
    • Wednesday
    • Thursday
    • Friday
    • Saturday
  • Periods.Period.AircraftType - aircraft type. Data type - string.
  • Periods.Period.Classes - array with service class information. Data type - array.
  • Periods.Period.Class - service class name. Data type - string. Possible values:
    • Economy
    • Business
    • First
    • PremiumEconomy
  • Periods.Period.CodeSharing - information on code share agreements. Data type - string.
  • Periods.Period.Segments - container with flight segments. Data type - custom.
  • Periods.Period.Segments.Segment - container with segment information. Data type - custom.
  • Segment.TripPoint - container with information about the airport/city. Data type - custom.
  • Segment.TripPoint.Code - airport code. Data type - string.
  • Segment.TripPoint.SubPointCode - terminal code. Data type - string.
  • Segment.TripPoint.CityCode - city code. Data type - string.
  • Segment.TripPoint.UTC - timezone. Data type - fractioanl number.
  • Segment.ArrivalTime - arrival time in hh:mm format.
  • Segment.ArrivalDateOffset - timezone offset in relation to the arrival date.
  • Segment.DepartureTime - departure time in hh:mm format.
  • Segment.DepartureDateOffset - timezone offset in relation to the departure date.
  • Segment.RegistrationType - registration type. Data type - string.


<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
      <GetAirlineScheduleResponse xmlns="">
         <GetAirlineScheduleResult xmlns:a="" xmlns:i="">
                              <StartDate>2019-03-26 12:11:57 +03:00</StartDate>
                              <EndDate>2020-03-26 12:11:57 +03:00</EndDate>
                              <AircraftType i:nil="true"/>