Contains the full information about the price and its formation for the booking or order.
Formula for calculating the final ticket cost: TotalAgencyFare * number of PAX (for each PAX type) + AgencyMarkup (if applicable) + SubAgentMarkup (if applicable) + DiscountByPromoAction (if applicable).
- TotalPrice - total price of the PNR in the GDS for the whole order. Does not include agency charges set outside the GDS. It is displayed in the currency of the agency or requisites (depending on the supplier and settings). Data type - Money.
- ExpectedTicketCount - expected number of tickets to be issued for this booking. Data type - int32.
- FOPPrices - contains the price difference for specific FOPs relatively to the price of the booking without specifying the planned FOP. Data type - array.
- FOPPrices.FOPPrice - contains the price difference for a single specific FOP relatively to the price of the booking without specifying the planned FOP. Data type - array.
- FOPPrices.FOPPrice.FOP - FOP for which the price difference is represented. Data type - string.
- FOPPrices.FOPPrice.PriceBreakdown - breakdown with the formation of the price of the object for the given FOP. Data type - PricePart array.
- PriceBreakdown - breakdown with the formation of the price of the object. Data type - PricePart array.
- PricePart - part of the price of the object, usually for one of the services in this order. Data type - array.
- PricePart.ServiceRef - reference to the services in the booking/order for which this price applies. Not indicated if the price applies to all services in the booking/order. Data type - Reflist.
- PricePart.SegmentRef - reference to the flight segments to which this price applies. Specific for issuing several tickets for one flight. Data type - Reflist.
- PricePart.TotalPrice - total cost of this part of the price. Does not include agency charges set outside the GDS. Data type - Money.
- PricePart.ValidatingCompany - validating carrier. Data type - string.
- PricePart.Refundable - type of refundable money at this price of the service. Data type - enumeration, possible values:
- Unknown
- Refundable
- NonRefundable
- PenaltiesApplies
- PricePart.PrivateFareInd - attribute of the presence of private fares in the price formation. Data type - bool.
- PricePart.PassengerTypePriceBreakdown - validating carrier. Data type - PassengerTypePrice array.
- PricePart.AgencyMarkup - amount of charge for the whole flight. Data type - Money. For requests of version 2_2 and higher, all the paremeters from AgencyMarkup are returned in the AgencyPrice element.
- PricePart.ChargeBreakdown - breakdown of charge components according to pricing rules. Data type - ChargeBreakdown.
- PricePart.PricingDebug.RulesDebugInfo - list of results of pricing rules checking. Data type - array.
- PricePart.PricingDebug.RulesDebugInfo.RuleData - result of pricing rule checking. Data type - array.
- PricePart.PricingDebug.RulesDebugInfo.RuleData.ID - rule ID. Data type - int32.
- PricePart.PricingDebug.RulesDebugInfo.RuleData.ValCompany - validating carrier. Data type - string.
- PricePart.PricingDebug.RulesDebugInfo.RuleData.Commission - airline commission (as specified in the rule). Data type - string.
- PricePart.PricingDebug.RulesDebugInfo.RuleData.ComResult - airline commissions (calculated). Data type - string.
- PricePart.PricingDebug.RulesDebugInfo.RuleData.AgencyCommission - agency commission. Data type - string.
- PricePart.PricingDebug.RulesDebugInfo.RuleData.Bonus - airline Bonus (as in the rule). Data type - string.
- PricePart.PricingDebug.RulesDebugInfo.RuleData.BonusResult - airline Bonus (calculated). Data type - string.
- PricePart.PricingDebug.RulesDebugInfo.RuleData.ChargeExt - attribute of an additional charge. Data type - string.
- PricePart.PricingDebug.RulesDebugInfo.RuleData.Charge - charge (as in the rule). Data type - string.
- PricePart.PricingDebug.RulesDebugInfo.RuleData.ChargeValue - charge (calculated). Data type - string.
- PricePart.PricingDebug.RulesDebugInfo.RuleData.MinProfit - minimal profit. Data type - string.
- PricePart.PricingDebug.RulesDebugInfo.RuleData.MinProfitPriority - priority of the minimum profit. Data type - string.
- PricePart.PricingDebug.RulesDebugInfo.RuleData.MinProfitEnable - attribute of applying a minimum profit. Data type - bool.
- PricePart.PricingDebug.RulesDebugInfo.RuleData.Discount - discount from the fare. Data type - string.
- PricePart.PricingDebug.RulesDebugInfo.RuleData.AuthCode - authorization code. Data type - string.
- PricePart.PricingDebug.RulesDebugInfo.RuleData.TourCode - tour code. Data type - string.
- PricePart.PricingDebug.RulesDebugInfo.RuleData.AcquiringMode - attribute of using direct acquiring. Data type - string.
- PricePart.PricingDebug.RulesDebugInfo.RuleData.IsAutoticketingDisabled - attribute of the need to turn auto ticketing off. Data type - bool.
- PricePart.PricingDebug.RulesDebugInfo.RuleData.BestRule - attribute of the most appropriate rule. Data type - bool.
- PricePart.PricingDebug.RulesDebugInfo.RuleData.Success - attribute of the passage of all the checks by the rule. Data type - bool.
- PricePart.PricingDebug.RulesDebugInfo.RuleData.CheckResults - list of rule checking results. Data type - array.
- PricePart.PricingDebug.RulesDebugInfo.RuleData.CheckResults.Check - checking result. Data type - array.
- PricePart.PricingDebug.RulesDebugInfo.RuleData.CheckResults.Check.Name - name of the parameter to be checked. Data type - string.
- PricePart.PricingDebug.RulesDebugInfo.RuleData.CheckResults.Check.Info - verification data. Data type - array.
- PricePart.PricingDebug.RulesDebugInfo.RuleData.CheckResults.Check.Info.Value - rule parameter value. Data type - string.
- PricePart.PricingDebug.RulesDebugInfo.RuleData.CheckResults.Check.Info.Result - result of parameter check. Data type - bool.
- PricePart.PricingDebug.RulesDebugInfo.RuleData.CorpRule - attribute of the rule for granting discounts for tour code to specific customers. Data type - bool.
- PricePart.PricingDebug.RulesDebugInfo.RuleData.BestCorpRule - attribute of the most appropriate rule for granting a discount for tour code. Data type - bool.
- FareFamiliesDescription - contains descriptions of the tfare families presenting in the flight. Data type - Description.
- PassengerTypePrice - price formation for a certain type of the traveler. Data type - array.
- PassengerTypePrice.TravellerRef - reference to travelers. Data type - Reflist.
- PassengerTypePrice.PricingType - type of passenger for which this price is formed; may not coincide with the type of a traveller in the corresponding section. Data type - string.
- PassengerTypePrice.BaseFare - price by fares in the currency of their establishment. Data type - Money.
- PassengerTypePrice.EquiveFare - price by fares in the currency of sale from GDS. Data type - Money.
- PassengerTypePrice.TotalFare - total price in the currency of sale from GDS. Data type - Money.
- PassengerTypePrice.Taxes - taxes. Data type - Tax array.
- Tax - information about a specific tax. Data type - array, the inheritor of Money.
- Tax.TaxCode - tax code. Data type - string.
- Tax.AgencyAmount - tax amount in agency currency. Data type - fractional number.
- PassengerTypePrice.Tariffs - fares. Data type - Tariff array.
- Tariff - fare description which takes part in the formation of this price. Data type - array, the description is given for AirTariff.
- Tariff.Code - fare code. Data type - string.
- Tariff.Type - fare type. Data type - enumeration, possible values:
- Public
- Cat35
- Cat25
- InclusiveTour
- PersonalCompanySite
- Private
- Tariff.ClassOfService - service class for this fare. Data type - enumeration, possible values:
- Economy
- Business
- First
- PremiumEconomy
- Other
- Tariff.BookingClassCode - booking class letter. Data type - string.
- Tariff.SegmentID - ID of the segment of the flight to which this fare applies. Data type - int32.
- Tariff.FreeBaggage - information about free baggage in this fare. Data type - Baggage.
- Tariff.FreeBaggage.Value - free baggage value of the measure. Data type - string.
- Tariff.FreeBaggage.Measure - free baggage unit of measure. Data type - enumeration, possible values:
- Kilograms
- Pounds
- Pieces
- SpecialCharge
- Size
- ValueOfMeasure
- Weight
- Tariff.FreeBaggage.Size - information on the size restrictions imposed on baggage. Data type - string.
- Tariff.CarryOn - information about carryon in this fare. Data type - Baggage.
- Tariff.CarryOn.Value - carryon value of the measure. Data type - string.
- Tariff.CarryOn.Measure - carryon unit of measure. Data type - enumeration, possible values:
- Kilograms
- Pounds
- Pieces
- SpecialCharge
- Size
- ValueOfMeasure
- Weight
- Tariff.CarryOn.Size - information on the size restrictions imposed on carryon. Data type - string.
- Tariff.FreeMeal - free meals in this fare. Data type - MealType array.
- MealType - type of free meals according to the fare. Data type - enumeration, possible values:
- AlcoholBeverages
- Beverages
- Breakfast
- ColdMeal
- ContinentalBreakfast
- Dinner
- HotMeal
- Lunch
- Meal
- Refreshment
- Snack
- Tariff.IsSystemTransfer - attribute of the system transfer. Data type - bool.
- PassengerFare.Tariffs.Tariff.FareFamilyFromSupplier - attribute saying that tariffs from the supplier will be used directly, bypassing information from the static. Data type - bool.
- PassengerTypePrice.FareCalc - line for calculating the price. Data type - string.
- PassengerTypePrice.Markup - tax. Data type - Money.
- PassengerTypePrice.AgencyFare - fare price in the agency currency. Data type - Money.
- PassengerTypePrice.TotalAgencyFare - fare and tax amount in the agency currency. Data type - Money.
- PassengerTypePrice.ChargeBreakdown - charge breakdown. Data type - ChargeBreakdown array.
- ChargeBreakdown - contains charge breakdown from passenger pricing and the amount of rounding when converting to agency currency.
- ChargeBreakdown.Charge - container for charge. Data type - array.
- ChargeBreakdown.Charge.Amount - absolute value of the charge, roundings. Data type - fractional number.
- ChargeBreakdown.Charge.RuleID - Rule ID. Data type - int.
- ChargeBreakdown.Charge.Type - charge type. Data type - enumeration, possible values:
- PriceRule - charge from the pricing table;
- TaxRound - rounding amount received by converting tax value to agency currency;
- FareRound - rounding amount received by converting fare value to agency currency;
- MarkupRound - markup rounding amount.