Data formats

  • Date: ISO 8601 ("2018-01-31")
  • Date and time: ISO 8601 ("2018-01-31T23: 59: 59 + 02: 00", "2018-01-31T23: 59: 59")
  • Time: UTC + 0 date with milliseconds ("2018-01-31T23: 59: 59.003Z")
  • Currency code: ISO 4217 ("USD", "EUR", etc.)
  • Country codes: ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 ("US", "IT", "KZ")
  • Phone number: E.164 (up to 15 digits, without separators, starts with "+")
  • Money: in a string to avoid errors ({"amount": "12345.00", "currency": "RUB"})
  • Airports, airlines, etc .: IATA
  • Unique identifiers: any string (maximum length of 64 characters - SHA-256 hash length in HEX format)